Uranus in aspect to Midheaven/MC

This is not a boring one, as we know there is no boredom with Uranus. When the planet of the unexpected comes in major aspect with the MC, the highest point in the natal chart, the mountain-top, or career ladder top, then I’m afraid that won’t be such a smooth climb. I would say that most people with Uranus/MC are not necessarily interested in climbing that ladder, in the traditional sense of the word. This is not the person who will buy the “Just do what I did and you will get rich too” lecture on Udemy. Though they might enroll in it, but will never follow through. And they are not supposed to. They are supposed to use their Uranian eccentric-oddball side and follow that, this is their path to success. Now, of course it’s not easy in a world full of tutorials and training courses where people teach you exactly what to learn and how to learn that and how to do that in order to be successful, or at least to get a job. Uranian people might love learning new stuff (it depends on other aspects as well in their charts), and so they are really thankful for that, but from then on, your services as teacher/tutor to them are not required, thank you. They will have a very strong urge to jump from topic to topic and to get quite frustrated when they are required to complete the standard exercises. Today’s society, is still very much standardized when we are talking about jobs and careers, even though we seem to have a much wider variety than we had in let’s say the 20th century, but that is just apparently so. The number of career paths one could take is definitely much higher, however, when one find themselves on one of these paths, one will soon realise that every bit of the road is readily paved with rules, regulations, best practices, codes of conducts and you name it. Since the invention of the typewriter, and later the computer, people have had quite enough time on their hands to speed-type miles and miles of documentation about how things should be done. And here we are now. Uranus doesn’t really care about your regulations, status-quo person, that is the fun part. The least fun part is when the Uranus/MC person (who might have an otherwise mild and friendly chart, let’s say with a lot of Libra in it) will try to follow the rules. First of all they will almost always end up hating that, secondly, even if they do succeed for a while to “do as they do”, this attitude will not assist them in achieving success. Quite the opposite. They might torture themselves relentlessly, hating it, but following through, because “this is how everyone is doing it and they seem to be getting there”. The (not so) funny thing is that they will not get there by following the crowd. It is counterintuitive, when you look around and see how the cookbook has worked for so many. But not for you, my friend, not for you. At this point, the MC/Uranian person might loose faith in themselves and slide slowly into depression. But depression is only a phase of rest and distillation, and if you don’t numb yourself endlessly with medication or other substances (or people), this darker phase of your life is meant to wake you up to your own potential and your real path. If you have a strong Uranus, you might not need a lot of time in the underworld to wake up to this, but most people have repressed their Uranus (their unique creative genius) due to social conditioning, so most of us do need quite some time in a deep-restorative state.

The career path of an MC/Uranus person is not a predefined path, and it’s not found in the “how-to videos” on Youtube (though these can be full of inspiration sometimes). The task of the MC/Uranus person is to follow their inspiration and intuition. This can be made more difficult with the hard aspects (opposition, square, inconjunct). The conjunction, in my opinion will not care so much about what other people think, but for the square, opposition and inconjunct this might be an issue that stops them from following their own path. Oftentimes it’s not necessarily about what people think, it’s rather the social programming, the so called reality we see outside ourselves, the statistics that show that people who have done so and so will achieve success. It’s hard to be the one who does the opposite. In the same time, the MC is the part of the chart that does care what others this, as it’s our public image. So yes, the hard aspects might have this inner (and/or outer) conflict between what they think they should do for others to like them/ respect them vs what their hearts and intuition is telling them they should do.

The thing is, with Uranus, it won’t wait for you and let you force status-quo on yourself forever. Usually it takes a transit or two to natal Uranus and/or the MC to jolt you awake, and you will find yourself quitting the 1984-game in a split second, not knowing what hit you. But years, many years can go by before that, with great self-imposed suffering in the name of wanting to be “normal, just like everyone else”. Except, you are not normal. At least career-wise, you are not. In this life you are not here to be normal, to conform, to follow the documentation. And I’m saying this with all the respect. Because yes, my deepest respect to you, MC/Uranus person, for showing your multi-coloured self where it is the most challenging to do so, in the most rule-based and standardized sector of society.

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